Case #1
Man, 40 years of age, former speed skater. Diagnosis: asthma in a very severe form, status asthmaticus, pulmonary and cardiac deficiency, hormonal dependency, multiple allergies to drugs and other substances. He complained about severe, suffocating tightness in the chest which was brought about by any physical exertion and regularly appeared at night. He also had a bad cough, wheezing even when completely at rest, weakness in the body, rapid hear beat, troubled sleep, irritability.
Had been ill for 6 years. From the first days of his illness he had been taking prednisone up to 60 mg/day, cortisol up to 300 mg/day. He had an operation on his left lung, after which his condition deteriorated. Once he spent five months in a hospital, where he was also diagnosed with dysfunctions of the stomach and intestines, localized changes in the heart musle and bronchitis. In general he had been hospitalised 16 times without any improvement.
He was often unable to stop an attack with bronchodilators and hormones. He breathed heavily through his mouth, chest fixed in the inhaled position, 32 breaths per minute, control pause 3 seconds.
He was able to stop the attack in a few minutes after starting with the exercises. He stopped coughing, his heart beat slowed down, and he felt a little better.
Later he learned to prevent attacks. He had only a few mild attacks after the first day of the training, and there was no need in the use of drugs except hormones (he needed a few weeks to get off hormones because he had hormonal drug dependency). For the first time in months he became physically active, was able to walk around the halls freely and even climbed three flights of stairs.
On the 4th day of the training his control pause reached 12 seconds and he reported improvement in his condition: his sleep and appetite normalised, the rapid heart beat, wheezing, coughing and fatigue almost disappeared.
On the 12th day his control pause reached 25 seconds, and he had marked improvement. He was physically active and able to work again (he had been on disability for 3 years).
Case #2
Woman, 56 years of age, disability because of asthma. Diagnosed with allergic asthma in a very bad state. Pulmonary and cardiac insufficiency, allergy to drugs. Complained about frequent and severe suffocating attacks that lasted up to 8 hours, wheezing at rest and heavy wheezing during the slightest physical exertion, bad cough, sneezing, excessive perspiration, weakness and fatigue, troubled sleep. For years she stayed at home during winter and in bad weather.
She had had asthma for 21 years. Moved house a few times according to her doctors recommendations. Medications didnt have any effect. Was taken to emergency care to stop attacks.
Her condition was described as extremely severe. She couldnt move and undress without help. Breathed noisily through her mouth, using her chest. Nose blocked. 50 breaths per minute, control pause 2 seconds, pulse rate 140 bpm.
She was able to stop the attack after 15 minutes. Later she learbed to prevent attacks with the exercises, moved freely around the room. From the first days of the treatment attacks came less often and were lighter. She reduced the amount of drugs taken.
On the 5th day of the training her control pause increased to 10 seconds, and she reported improvement. In a month suffocating attacks stopped completely, and there was no need in the further use of drugs. Her sleep normalised, there was no more wheezing, she was able to go outside (it was during the winter), she could walk up the stairs to the 5th floor instead of taking an elevator. She was able to start work again.
Case #3
Woman, 30 years of age. Had two daughters, in both cases the childbirth was very difficult (3 days and 5 days in duration, respectively). Was diagnosed with tumor of the uterus. She was about to have an operation when she heard about the breathing exercises. She wanted to try the exercises before she goes under the knife.
The pain diminished daily as she progressed with the training. After 12 days she felt no pain at all. The tumor reduced in size until it was about the size of a small bean. She decided not to have an operation.
Then she decided that she would have a son. Her doctor told her that with her diagnosis, pregnancy meant sure death. But she was a woman strong in spirit and decided to have another child anyway. This pregnancy was quite unlike the previous two. She felt great and there was no danger of a miscarriage. She walked and ran along the beaches until the last day. She was afraid when she was taken to the maternity ward, remembering how she had suffered the first two times. To her astonishment, she gave birth in three hours, almost without pain. Her son could hold his head on the 5th day.
Recently she had another son, and the pregnancy and birth were as successful.
Case #4
Woman, 41 years of age. Had been married for 18 years, but had no children even though she and her husband never used any contraception. Her control pause was 15 seconds (which was too little), and we thought that it could be the reason. She went through the training, and her control pause increased to 65 seconds.
She became pregnant three months after the treatment. Her pregnancy went very well, and during the childbirth she was able to sleep between labor, because there was no pain. Her son could hold his head on the 7th day.
Case #5
Boy, 6 years of age. Diagnosis: bronchial asthma, status asthmaticus, rhinitis, multiple allergies. Complained of constant shortness of breath, 6-7 attacks a day (usually during the night and after slight physical exertion); very bad cough, sometimes leading to vomiting; wheezing after movement; sneezing, constant feeling of coldness, fatigue, irritability, troubled sleep. Cried a lot.
Had asthma from the age of three months, when suddenly severe suffocating attacks began. During his 6 years of life was hospitalised 18 times, 5 times was in intensive care. Last time was in the hospital for 9 months, had to be on artificial ventilation. The drug therapy (including hormones) had no effect.
He breathed with his mouth with a lot of noise. His chest was expanded (especially in its lower section), there was a lot of wheezing in his lungs. 30 breaths per minute, control pause 3 seconds, heart rate 118 bpm.
He understood the method quickly and was able to stop his asthmatic condition in 15 minutes. On the first day he began to do the exercises in order to stop a coughing fit and to unblock his nose (he could breathe through his nose for the first time in months). The asthmatic attacks became lighter and less frequent (1-2 times a day), there was less need in medications. The suffocating attacks stopped on the 6th day, and he didnt take any more drugs. His control pause reached 10 seconds. He was able to walk around freely, went outside, walked upstairs to the third floor. There was no more weakness and excessive perspiration.
When his control pause reached 35 seconds, he stopped having allergic reactions. For the first time his family bought and decorated a Christmas tree, whose smell he could not stand before. After the treatment he was able to go out in any weather for several hours, began swimming in the pool nearby. Was diagnosed healthy.
Case #6
Girl, 14 years of age. Diagnosis: allergic asthma, pulmonary and cardiac deficiency. Started having asthmatic attacks at the age of 5. Had been hospitalised 4 times with bronchopneumonia. Despite many hospitalisations, her condition got worse. She had marked wheezing, problems with breathing through her nose, moderate cyanosis of the lips. 33 breaths per minute, control pause 3 seconds, pulse rate 120 bpm.
She was able to stop the asthmatic state after 10 minutes of exercises. On the second day she was able to prevent attacks and coughing fits, limited the intake of drigs.
On the 4th day attacks stopped, and there was no need in further drug therapy. After two weeks she reported good condition. She had no more asthma, pneumonia and even no common colds. Was able to start physical training at school.
Case #7
Man, 55 years of age. Diagnosed with hypertension in a severe form. Blood pressure 230/140. Heart rate 100 bpm. Control pause 10 seconds. Suffered from very bad headaches, nausea, troubled sleep. Very sensitive to weather changes any time the air pressure dropped, he felt terrible. His condition was resistant to drugs there was almost no help from any of them.
During the first training session his blood pressure dropped to 190/120. Heart rate fell to 87 bpm. Felt a little better and was very encouraged. Said that this was his chance.
In the next few days he managed to bring his blood pressure down to 160/100. Control pause increased to 20 seconds. I cautioned him against too fast progress. He began to have clearing reactions: increased temperature, diarrhea, nausea returned. I had warned him about the possibility of such reactions, and he was prepared for them.
The clearing reactions stopped in 5 days, and he felt much better. Blood pressure stabilised at 140/90, heart rate 72 bpm, control pause 40 seconds. He is now able to go gardening work, which he loves but was unable to do due to his disability. Had no cold or flu during the last winter.
Cases #8 and #9
Cases 8 and 9 were related to me by a colleague who worked in Kiev in the early 1990s, when there was an experiment in the AIDS department of the City Epidemiology Institute. Several patients were given a choice: to go through the breathing training or to try a new drug that was just beginning to be tested. A few of them chose the breathing exercises. Here is what two of them said:
Woman, 23 years of age: When I started to do the breathing exercises, I experienced gradual disappearance of the pains and aches in the body during the first month. I was very persistent because I felt I had nothing to lose. In 10 months I forgot about AIDS and now I remember it only when people start to talk about it or when I read about it in the papers.
Man, 24 years of age: When I faced the choice a new drug or breathing techniques, I was suprised because no one ever gave us a choice, plus no one ever suggested breathing exercises as a means of treating AIDS. I had heard some bad opinions about the new drug and I didnt want to be a guinea pig. I decided to try the breathing method. To my surprise, my condition improved after just a week of doing the exercises. I was greatly encouraged and did the exercises diligently according to the recommendations. I was released from the hospital several weeks later with the diagnosis marked improvement. Now I do the exercises daily and try to follow a healthy lifestyle. So far, I havent had any further complications brought about by AIDS. It looks like I went back from being an AIDS patient to a person who is simply HIV-positive.
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