The West Urals Asthma Association announces:

Asthma can be cured

You may have heard otherwise. Yet our method offers nearly 100% success rate. When we use the word "cure", we mean that our patients stop having attacks, stop taking their medications, and live normal lives just like other people.

The method involves NO DRUGS, NO SPECIAL EQUIPMENT, and NO FOOD SUPPLEMENTS. What is it, then?

The method makes use of a system of breathing exercises. These were developed in Russia in the 1950s. The basic idea of the exercises is to normalize the content of carbon dioxide (CO2) in your lungs and blood. Asthmatics have low concentrations of carbon dioxide in their blood, which leads to insufficient use of blood oxygen (oxygen can only be utilized in the presence of CO2). That is why asthmatics experience suffocating attacks. When you go through the program of our breathing exercises, you will increase the content of carbon dioxide in your blood to acceptable levels, and attacks will stop.

Here are the most frequently asked questions about the method (click on links below):

Has this method been clinically tested?

Can you give specific examples of the use of the method by your patients?

How do you explain the effectiveness of the method?

Can it really be done online, without day-by-day doctor's supervision?

Can this method be used for other conditions?

Are the exercises complicated?

Are the exercises difficult?

How do I start and how much does the treatment cost?

Can I try it for free?

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